Title: | Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration |
Description: | Iterated race is an extension of the Iterated F-race method for the automatic configuration of optimization algorithms, that is, (offline) tuning their parameters by finding the most appropriate settings given a set of instances of an optimization problem. M. López-Ibáñez, J. Dubois-Lacoste, L. Pérez Cáceres, T. Stützle, and M. Birattari (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.orp.2016.09.002>. |
Authors: | Manuel López-Ibáñez [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Manuel López-Ibáñez <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | |
Built: | 2025-03-20 20:42:41 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/mlopez-ibanez/irace |
Iterated race is an extension of the Iterated F-race method for the automatic configuration of optimization algorithms, that is, (offline) tuning their parameters by finding the most appropriate settings given a set of instances of an optimization problem. M. López-Ibáñez, J. Dubois-Lacoste, L. Pérez Cáceres, T. Stützle, and M. Birattari (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.orp.2016.09.002>.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Maintainers: Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres [email protected]
Manuel López-Ibáñez, Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Thomas Stützle, and Mauro Birattari. The irace package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration. Operations Research Perspectives, 2016. doi:10.1016/j.orp.2016.09.002
Manuel López-Ibáñez, Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Thomas Stützle, and Mauro Birattari. The irace package, Iterated Race for Automatic Algorithm Configuration. Technical Report TR/IRIDIA/2011-004, IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 2011.
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Thomas Stützle. The Automatic Design of Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2012.
for examples and vignette(package = "irace")
for the user-guide.
Ablation is a method for analyzing the differences between two configurations.
ablation( iraceResults, src = 1L, target = NULL, ab_params = NULL, type = c("full", "racing"), nrep = 1L, seed = 1234567L, ablationLogFile = "log-ablation.Rdata", instancesFile = "train", ... )
ablation( iraceResults, src = 1L, target = NULL, ab_params = NULL, type = c("full", "racing"), nrep = 1L, seed = 1234567L, ablationLogFile = "log-ablation.Rdata", instancesFile = "train", ... )
iraceResults |
src , target
ab_params |
type |
nrep |
seed |
ablationLogFile |
instancesFile |
... |
Further arguments to override scenario settings, e.g., |
A list containing the following elements:
Configurations tested in the ablation.
State of the ablation process.
A matrix with the results of the experiments (columns are configurations, rows are instances).
Scenario object with the settings used for the experiments.
IDs of the best configurations at each step of the ablation.
Best configuration found in the experiments.
if the ablation process was completed.
Leslie Pérez Cáceres and Manuel López-Ibáñez
C. Fawcett and H. H. Hoos. Analysing differences between algorithm configurations through ablation. Journal of Heuristics, 22(4):431–458, 2016.
logfile <- system.file(package="irace", "exdata", "sann.rda") # Execute ablation between the first and the best configuration found by irace. ablog <- ablation(logfile, ablationLogFile = NULL) plotAblation(ablog) # Execute ablation between two selected configurations, and selecting only a # subset of parameters, directly reading the setup from the irace log file. ablog <- ablation(logfile, src = 1, target = 10, ab_params = c("temp"), ablationLogFile = NULL) plotAblation(ablog)
logfile <- system.file(package="irace", "exdata", "sann.rda") # Execute ablation between the first and the best configuration found by irace. ablog <- ablation(logfile, ablationLogFile = NULL) plotAblation(ablog) # Execute ablation between two selected configurations, and selecting only a # subset of parameters, directly reading the setup from the irace log file. ablog <- ablation(logfile, src = 1, target = 10, ab_params = c("temp"), ablationLogFile = NULL) plotAblation(ablog)
Launch ablation()
with the same command-line options as the command-line
executable (ablation.exe
in Windows).
ablation_cmdline(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
ablation_cmdline(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
argv |
The function reads the parameters given on the command line
used to invoke R, launches ablation()
and possibly plotAblation()
List of command-line options:
-l,--log-file Path to the (.Rdata) file created by irace from which the "iraceResults" object will be loaded. -S,--src Source configuration ID or the path to a file containing the configuration. Default: 1. -T,--target Target configuration ID (by default the best configuration found by irace) or the path to a file containing the configuration. -P,--params Specific parameter names to be used for the ablation (separated with commas). By default use all -t,--type Type of ablation to perform: "full" will execute each configuration on all "--n-instances" to determine the best-performing one; "racing" will apply racing to find the best configurations. Default: full. -n,--nrep Number of replications per instance used in "full" ablation. Default: 1. --seed Integer value to use as seed for the random number generation. Default: 1234567. -o,--output-file Log file to save the ablation log. If "", the results are not saved to a file. Default: log-ablation.Rdata. --instances-file Instances file used for ablation: "train", "test" or a filename containing the list of instances. Default: train. -p,--plot Output filename (.pdf) for the plot. If not given, no plot is created. -O,--plot-type Type of plot. Supported values are "mean", "boxplot", "rank" or "rank,boxplot". Default: mean. --old-path Old path found in the log-file (.Rdata) given as input to be replaced by --new-path. --new-path New path to replace the path found in the log-file (.Rdata) given as input. -e,--exec-dir Directory where the target runner will be run. -s,--scenario Scenario file to override the scenario given in the log-file (.Rdata) --parallel Number of calls to targetRunner to execute in parallel. Values 0 or 1 mean no parallelization.
A list containing the following elements:
Configurations tested in the ablation.
State of the ablation process.
A matrix with the results of the experiments (columns are configurations, rows are instances).
Scenario object with the settings used for the experiments.
IDs of the best configurations at each step of the ablation.
Best configuration found in the experiments.
if the ablation process was completed.
Manuel López-Ibáñez
ablation_cmdline("--help") # Find the ablation command-line executable: Sys.glob(file.path(system.file(package="irace", "bin"), "ablation*"))
ablation_cmdline("--help") # Find the ablation command-line executable: Sys.glob(file.path(system.file(package="irace", "bin"), "ablation*"))
receives two vectors, one containing
the values of the parameters, the other containing the switches of the
parameters. It builds a string with the switches and the values that can
be used as a command line to call the program to be tuned, thus generating
one candidate configuration.
buildCommandLine(values, switches)
buildCommandLine(values, switches)
values |
A vector containing the value of each parameter for the candidate configuration. |
switches |
A vector containing the switches of each paramter (in an order that corresponds to the values vector). |
A string concatenating each element of switches
for all parameters with a space between each pair of
parameters (but none between the switches and the corresponding values).
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
switches <- c("--switch1 ", "--switch2-", "--switch3=") values <- list("value_1", 1L, sqrt(2)) buildCommandLine (values, switches) ## Build a command-line from the results produced by a previous run of irace. # First, load the data produced by irace. logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "irace-acotsp.Rdata") iraceResults <- read_logfile(logfile) allConfigurations <- iraceResults$allConfigurations parameters <- iraceResults$scenario$parameters apply(allConfigurations[1:10, unlist(parameters$names)], 1, buildCommandLine, unlist(parameters$switches))
switches <- c("--switch1 ", "--switch2-", "--switch3=") values <- list("value_1", 1L, sqrt(2)) buildCommandLine (values, switches) ## Build a command-line from the results produced by a previous run of irace. # First, load the data produced by irace. logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "irace-acotsp.Rdata") iraceResults <- read_logfile(logfile) allConfigurations <- iraceResults$allConfigurations parameters <- iraceResults$scenario$parameters apply(allConfigurations[1:10, unlist(parameters$names)], 1, buildCommandLine, unlist(parameters$switches))
Check the output of the target runner and repair it if possible. If the output is incorrect, this function will throw an error.
check_output_target_runner(output, scenario, bound = NULL)
check_output_target_runner(output, scenario, bound = NULL)
output |
The output from target runner. |
scenario |
bound |
Optional time bound that the target runner should have respected. |
The output with its contents repaired.
Test that the given irace scenario can be run by checking the scenario settings provided and trying to run the target-algorithm.
scenario |
If the parameters
argument is missing, then the parameters
will be read from the file parameterFile
given by scenario
. If
is provided, then parameterFile
will not be read. This function will
try to execute the target-algorithm.
returns TRUE
if successful and gives an error and returns FALSE
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
for reading a configuration scenario from a file.
prints the given scenario.
returns the default scenario settings of irace.
to check that the scenario is valid.
FIXME: This is incomplete, for now we only repair inputs from previous irace versions.
parameters |
Checks for errors a (possibly incomplete) scenario setup of irace and transforms it into a valid scenario.
checkScenario(scenario = defaultScenario())
checkScenario(scenario = defaultScenario())
scenario |
This function checks that the directories and the file names provided and required by the irace exist. It also checks that the settings are of the proper type, e.g. that settings expected to be integers are really integers. Finally, it also checks that there is no inconsistency between settings. If an error is found that prevents irace from running properly, it will stop with an error.
The scenario received as a parameter, possibly corrected. Unset scenario settings are set to their default values.
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
for reading a configuration scenario from a file.
prints the given scenario.
returns the default scenario settings of irace.
to check that the scenario is valid.
Print configurations as a data frame
configurations_print(configurations, metadata = FALSE)
configurations_print(configurations, metadata = FALSE)
configurations |
metadata |
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
to print the configurations as command-line strings.
Prints configurations after converting them into a representation for the command-line.
configurations_print_command(configurations, parameters)
configurations_print_command(configurations, parameters)
configurations |
parameters |
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
to print the configurations as a data frame.
Return scenario object with default values.
defaultScenario(scenario = list(), params_def = .irace.params.def)
defaultScenario(scenario = list(), params_def = .irace.params.def)
scenario |
params_def |
A list indexed by the irace parameter names, containing the default values for each parameter, except for those already present in the scenario passed as argument. The scenario list contains the following elements:
General options:
Path of the file that describes the configuration scenario setup and other irace settings. (Default: "./scenario.txt"
Directory where the programs will be run. (Default: "./"
File to save tuning results as an R dataset, either absolute path or relative to execDir. (Default: "./irace.Rdata"
Reduce the output generated by irace to a minimum. (Default: 0
Debug level of the output of irace
. Set this to 0 to silence all debug messages. Higher values (1, 2 or 3) provide more verbose debug messages. (Default: 0
Seed of the random number generator (by default, generate a random seed). (Default: NA
User-defined R function that takes a configuration generated by irace and repairs it. (Default: ""
Perform a postselection race after the execution of irace to consume all remaining budget. Value 0 disables the postselection race. (Default: 1
Enable/disable AClib mode. This option enables compatibility with GenericWrapper4AC as targetRunner script. (Default: 0
Elitist irace
Enable/disable elitist irace. (Default: 1
Number of instances added to the execution list before previous instances in elitist irace. (Default: 1
In elitist irace, maximum number per race of elimination tests that do not eliminate a configuration. Use 0 for no limit. (Default: 2
Internal irace
Randomly sample the training instances or use them in the order given. (Default: 1
Enable/disable the soft restart strategy that avoids premature convergence of the probabilistic model. (Default: 1
Soft restart threshold value for numerical parameters. (Default: 1e-04
Maximum number of iterations. (Default: 0
Number of runs of the target algorithm per iteration. (Default: 0
Minimum number of configurations needed to continue the execution of each race (iteration). (Default: 0
Number of configurations to be sampled and evaluated at each iteration. (Default: 0
Parameter used to define the number of configurations sampled and evaluated at each iteration. (Default: 5
Target algorithm parameters:
File that contains the description of the parameters of the target algorithm. (Default: "./parameters.txt"
Parameters space object (usually read from a file using readParameters
). (Default: ""
Target algorithm execution:
Executable called for each configuration that executes the target algorithm to be tuned. See the templates and examples provided. (Default: "./target-runner"
Executable that will be used to launch the target runner, when targetRunner
cannot be executed directly (e.g., a Python script in Windows). (Default: ""
Command-line arguments provided to targetRunner
(or targetRunnerLauncher
if defined). The substrings \{configurationID\}
, \{instanceID\}
, \{seed\}
, \{instance\}
, and \{bound\}
will be replaced by their corresponding values. The substring \{targetRunnerArgs\}
will be replaced by the concatenation of the switch and value of all active parameters of the particular configuration being evaluated. The substring \{targetRunner\}
, if present, will be replaced by the value of targetRunner
(useful when using targetRunnerLauncher
). (Default: "{configurationID} {instanceID} {seed} {instance} {bound} {targetRunnerArgs}"
Number of times to retry a call to targetRunner
if the call failed. (Default: 0
Timeout in seconds of any targetRunner
call (only applies to target-runner
executables not to R functions), ignored if 0. (Default: 0
Optional data passed to targetRunner
. This is ignored by the default targetRunner
function, but it may be used by custom targetRunner
functions to pass persistent data around. (Default: ""
Optional R function to provide custom parallelization of targetRunner
. (Default: ""
Optional script or R function that provides a numeric value for each configuration. See templates/target-evaluator.tmpl (Default: ""
If the target algorithm is deterministic, configurations will be evaluated only once per instance. (Default: 0
Number of calls to targetRunner
to execute in parallel. Values 0
or 1
mean no parallelization. (Default: 0
Enable/disable load-balancing when executing experiments in parallel. Load-balancing makes better use of computing resources, but increases communication overhead. If this overhead is large, disabling load-balancing may be faster. (Default: 1
Enable/disable MPI. Use Rmpi
to execute targetRunner
in parallel (parameter parallel
is the number of slaves). (Default: 0
Specify how irace waits for jobs to finish when targetRunner
submits jobs to a batch cluster: sge, pbs, torque, slurm or htcondor. targetRunner
must submit jobs to the cluster using, for example, qsub
. (Default: 0
Initial configurations:
Data frame describing initial configurations (usually read from a file using readConfigurations
). (Default: ""
File that contains a table of initial configurations. If empty or NULL
, all initial configurations are randomly generated. (Default: ""
Training instances:
Character vector of the instances to be used in the targetRunner
. (Default: ""
Directory where training instances are located; either absolute path or relative to current directory. If no trainInstancesFiles
is provided, all the files in trainInstancesDir
will be listed as instances. (Default: ""
File that contains a list of training instances and optionally additional parameters for them. If trainInstancesDir
is provided, irace
will search for the files in this folder. (Default: ""
Number of training instances, that make up a 'block' in trainInstancesFile
. Elimination of configurations will only be performed after evaluating a complete block and never in the middle of a block. Each block typically contains one instance from each instance class (type or family) and the block size is the number of classes. The value of blockSize
will multiply firstTest
, eachTest
and elitistNewInstances
. (Default: 1
Tuning budget:
Maximum number of runs (invocations of targetRunner
) that will be performed. It determines the maximum budget of experiments for the tuning. (Default: 0
Minimum number of runs (invocations of targetRunner
) that will be performed. It determines the minimum budget of experiments for the tuning. The actual budget depends on the number of parameters and minSurvival
. (Default: NA
Maximum total execution time for the executions of targetRunner
. targetRunner
must return two values: cost and time. This value and the one returned by targetRunner
must use the same units (seconds, minutes, iterations, evaluations, ...). (Default: 0
Fraction (smaller than 1) of the budget used to estimate the mean computation time of a configuration. Only used when maxTime
> 0 (Default: 0.05
Minimum time unit that is still (significantly) measureable. (Default: 0.01
Statistical test:
Statistical test used for elimination. The default value selects t-test
if capping
is enabled or F-test
, otherwise. Valid values are: F-test (Friedman test), t-test (pairwise t-tests with no correction), t-test-bonferroni (t-test with Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons), t-test-holm (t-test with Holm's correction for multiple comparisons). (Default: ""
Number of instances evaluated before the first elimination test. It must be a multiple of eachTest
. (Default: 5
Number of instances evaluated between elimination tests. (Default: 1
Confidence level for the elimination test. (Default: 0.95
Adaptive capping:
Enable the use of adaptive capping, a technique designed for minimizing the computation time of configurations. Capping is enabled by default if elitist
is active, maxTime > 0
and boundMax > 0
. (Default: NA
If set to 1, elimination due to capping only happens after firstTest
instances are seen. (Default: 0
Measure used to obtain the execution bound from the performance of the elite configurations.
median: Median performance of the elite configurations.
mean: Mean performance of the elite configurations.
best: Best performance of the elite configurations.
worst: Worst performance of the elite configurations.
(Default: "median"
Method to calculate the mean performance of elite configurations.
candidate: Mean execution times across the executed instances and the current one.
instance: Execution time of the current instance.
(Default: "candidate"
Maximum execution bound for targetRunner
. It must be specified when capping is enabled. (Default: 0
Precision used for calculating the execution time. It must be specified when capping is enabled. (Default: 0
Penalization constant for timed out executions (executions that reach boundMax
execution time). (Default: 1
Replace the configuration cost of bounded executions with boundMax
. (Default: 1
Previously saved log file to recover the execution of irace
, either absolute path or relative to the current directory. If empty or NULL
, recovery is not performed. (Default: ""
Directory where testing instances are located, either absolute or relative to current directory. (Default: ""
File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional parameters for them. (Default: ""
Character vector of the instances to be used in the targetRunner
when executing the testing. (Default: ""
Number of elite configurations returned by irace that will be tested if test instances are provided. (Default: 1
Enable/disable testing the elite configurations found at each iteration. (Default: 0
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
for reading a configuration scenario from a file.
prints the given scenario.
returns the default scenario settings of irace.
to check that the scenario is valid.
Returns the pairs of instance IDs and seeds used as instances in the race (and optionally the actual instances).
get_instanceID_seed_pairs(iraceResults, index, instances = FALSE)
get_instanceID_seed_pairs(iraceResults, index, instances = FALSE)
iraceResults |
index |
instances |
With default arguments, a data.table
containing two columns
and "seed"
. With instances=TRUE
and if the instances
are of atomic type (see is.atomic()
) type, another column instance
added that contains the actual instance.
Manuel López-Ibáñez
log_file <- system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE) head(get_instanceID_seed_pairs(log_file)) # Add the instance names get_instanceID_seed_pairs(log_file, index=1:10, instances=TRUE)
log_file <- system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE) head(get_instanceID_seed_pairs(log_file)) # Add the instance names get_instanceID_seed_pairs(log_file, index=1:10, instances=TRUE)
Returns the configurations selected by ID.
getConfigurationById(iraceResults, ids, drop.metadata = FALSE)
getConfigurationById(iraceResults, ids, drop.metadata = FALSE)
iraceResults |
ids |
drop.metadata |
A data frame containing the elite configurations required, in the
order and with the repetitions given by ids
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
log_file <- system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE) getConfigurationById(log_file, ids = c(2,1), drop.metadata = TRUE)
log_file <- system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE) getConfigurationById(log_file, ids = c(2,1), drop.metadata = TRUE)
Returns the configurations by the iteration in which they were executed.
getConfigurationByIteration(iraceResults, iterations, drop.metadata = FALSE)
getConfigurationByIteration(iraceResults, iterations, drop.metadata = FALSE)
iraceResults |
iterations |
drop.metadata |
A data frame containing the elite configurations required.
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
log_file <- system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE) getConfigurationByIteration(log_file, iterations = c(-2, -1), drop.metadata = TRUE)
log_file <- system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE) getConfigurationByIteration(log_file, iterations = c(-2, -1), drop.metadata = TRUE)
Return the elite configurations of the final iteration.
getFinalElites(iraceResults, n = 0L, drop.metadata = FALSE)
getFinalElites(iraceResults, n = 0L, drop.metadata = FALSE)
iraceResults |
n |
drop.metadata |
A data frame containing the elite configurations required.
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
log_file <- system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE) print(removeConfigurationsMetaData(getFinalElites(log_file, n=1)))
log_file <- system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE) print(removeConfigurationsMetaData(getFinalElites(log_file, n=1)))
Check if the results object generated by irace has data about the testing phase.
iraceResults |
irace_results <- read_logfile(system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE)) print(has_testing_data(irace_results))
irace_results <- read_logfile(system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE)) print(has_testing_data(irace_results))
The function irace
implements the Iterated Racing procedure for parameter
tuning. It receives a configuration scenario and a parameter space to be
tuned, and returns the best configurations found, namely, the elite
configurations obtained from the last iterations. As a first step, it checks
the correctness of scenario
using checkScenario()
and recovers a
previous execution if scenario$recoveryFile
is set. A R data file log of
the execution is created in scenario$logFile
scenario |
The execution of this function is reproducible under some conditions. See the FAQ section in the User Guide.
A data frame with the set of best algorithm configurations found by irace. The data frame has the following columns:
: Internal id of the candidate configuration.
Parameter names
: One column per parameter name in parameters
: Internal id of the parent candidate configuration.
Additionally, this function saves an R data file containing an object called
. The path of the file is indicated in scenario$logFile
The iraceResults
object is a list with the following structure:
The scenario R object containing the irace
options used for the execution. See defaultScenario
for more information. The element scenario$parameters
contains the parameters R object that describes the target algorithm parameters. See
The target algorithm configurations
generated by irace. This object is a data frame, each row is a
candidate configuration, the first column (.ID.
) indicates the
internal identifier of the configuration, the following columns
correspond to the parameter values, each column named as the parameter
name specified in the parameter object. The final column
) is the identifier of the configuration from which
model the actual configuration was sampled.
A list that contains one element per iteration,
each element contains the internal identifier of the elite candidate
configurations of the corresponding iteration (identifiers correspond to
A vector containing the best candidate configuration internal identifier of each iteration. The best configuration found corresponds to the last one of this vector.
A matrix with configurations as columns and
instances as rows. Column names correspond to the internal identifier of
the configuration (allConfigurations$.ID.
A data.table
with columns iteration
, configuration
, time
. This matrix contains the log of all the
experiments that irace performs during its execution. The
instance column refers to the index of the race_state$instances_log
data frame. Time is saved ONLY when reported by the targetRunner
A logical vector that indicates if a soft
restart was performed on each iteration. If FALSE
, then no soft
restart was performed.
An environment that contains the state of irace, the recovery is done using the information contained in this object.
A list that contains the testing results. The
elements of this list are: experiments
a matrix with the testing
experiments of the selected configurations in the same format as the
explained above and seeds
a vector with the seeds used to execute
each experiment.
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
a higher-level interface to irace()
a command-line interface to irace()
for reading a configuration scenario from a file.
read the target algorithm parameters from a file.
returns the default scenario settings of irace.
to check that the scenario is valid.
## Not run: # In general, there are three steps: scenario <- readScenario(filename = "scenario.txt") irace(scenario = scenario) ## End(Not run) ####################################################################### # This example illustrates how to tune the parameters of the simulated # annealing algorithm (SANN) provided by the optim() function in the # R base package. The goal in this example is to optimize instances of # the following family: # f(x) = lambda * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - lambda) * f_rosenbrock(x) # where lambda follows a normal distribution whose mean is 0.9 and # standard deviation is 0.02. f_rastrigin and f_rosenbrock are the # well-known Rastrigin and Rosenbrock benchmark functions (taken from # the cmaes package). In this scenario, different instances are given # by different values of lambda. ####################################################################### ## First we provide an implementation of the functions to be optimized: f_rosenbrock <- function (x) { d <- length(x) z <- x + 1 hz <- z[1L:(d - 1L)] tz <- z[2L:d] sum(100 * (hz^2 - tz)^2 + (hz - 1)^2) } f_rastrigin <- function (x) { sum(x * x - 10 * cos(2 * pi * x) + 10) } ## We generate 20 instances (in this case, weights): weights <- rnorm(20, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02) ## On this set of instances, we are interested in optimizing two ## parameters of the SANN algorithm: tmax and temp. We setup the ## parameter space as follows: parameters_table <- ' tmax "" i,log (1, 5000) temp "" r (0, 100) ' ## We use the irace function readParameters to read this table: parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters_table) ## Next, we define the function that will evaluate each candidate ## configuration on a single instance. For simplicity, we restrict to ## three-dimensional functions and we set the maximum number of ## iterations of SANN to 1000. target_runner <- function(experiment, scenario) { instance <- experiment$instance configuration <- experiment$configuration D <- 3 par <- runif(D, min=-1, max=1) fn <- function(x) { weight <- instance return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x)) } # For reproducible results, we should use the random seed given by # experiment$seed to set the random seed of the target algorithm. res <- withr::with_seed(experiment$seed, stats::optim(par,fn, method="SANN", control=list(maxit=1000 , tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]]) , temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]]) ))) ## This list may also contain: ## - 'time' if irace is called with 'maxTime' ## - 'error' is a string used to report an error ## - 'outputRaw' is a string used to report the raw output of calls to ## an external program or function. ## - 'call' is a string used to report how target_runner called the ## external program or function. return(list(cost = res$value)) } ## We define a configuration scenario by setting targetRunner to the ## function define above, instances to the first 10 random weights, and ## a maximum budget of 'maxExperiments' calls to targetRunner. scenario <- list(targetRunner = target_runner, instances = weights[1:10], maxExperiments = 500, # Do not create a logFile logFile = "", parameters = parameters) ## We check that the scenario is valid. This will also try to execute ## target_runner. checkIraceScenario(scenario) ## We are now ready to launch irace. We do it by means of the irace ## function. The function will print information about its ## progress. This may require a few minutes, so it is not run by default. tuned_confs <- irace(scenario = scenario) ## We can print the best configurations found by irace as follows: configurations_print(tuned_confs) ## We can evaluate the quality of the best configuration found by ## irace versus the default configuration of the SANN algorithm on ## the other 10 instances previously generated. test_index <- 11:20 test_seeds <- sample.int(2147483647L, size = length(test_index), replace = TRUE) test <- function(configuration) { res <- lapply(seq_along(test_index), function(x) target_runner( experiment = list(instance = weights[test_index[x]], seed = test_seeds[x], configuration = configuration), scenario = scenario)) return (sapply(res, getElement, name = "cost")) } ## To do so, first we apply the default configuration of the SANN ## algorithm to these instances: default <- test(data.frame(tmax=10, temp=10)) ## We extract and apply the winning configuration found by irace ## to these instances: tuned <- test(removeConfigurationsMetaData(tuned_confs[1,])) ## Finally, we can compare using a boxplot the quality obtained with the ## default parametrization of SANN and the quality obtained with the ## best configuration found by irace. boxplot(list(default = default, tuned = tuned))
## Not run: # In general, there are three steps: scenario <- readScenario(filename = "scenario.txt") irace(scenario = scenario) ## End(Not run) ####################################################################### # This example illustrates how to tune the parameters of the simulated # annealing algorithm (SANN) provided by the optim() function in the # R base package. The goal in this example is to optimize instances of # the following family: # f(x) = lambda * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - lambda) * f_rosenbrock(x) # where lambda follows a normal distribution whose mean is 0.9 and # standard deviation is 0.02. f_rastrigin and f_rosenbrock are the # well-known Rastrigin and Rosenbrock benchmark functions (taken from # the cmaes package). In this scenario, different instances are given # by different values of lambda. ####################################################################### ## First we provide an implementation of the functions to be optimized: f_rosenbrock <- function (x) { d <- length(x) z <- x + 1 hz <- z[1L:(d - 1L)] tz <- z[2L:d] sum(100 * (hz^2 - tz)^2 + (hz - 1)^2) } f_rastrigin <- function (x) { sum(x * x - 10 * cos(2 * pi * x) + 10) } ## We generate 20 instances (in this case, weights): weights <- rnorm(20, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02) ## On this set of instances, we are interested in optimizing two ## parameters of the SANN algorithm: tmax and temp. We setup the ## parameter space as follows: parameters_table <- ' tmax "" i,log (1, 5000) temp "" r (0, 100) ' ## We use the irace function readParameters to read this table: parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters_table) ## Next, we define the function that will evaluate each candidate ## configuration on a single instance. For simplicity, we restrict to ## three-dimensional functions and we set the maximum number of ## iterations of SANN to 1000. target_runner <- function(experiment, scenario) { instance <- experiment$instance configuration <- experiment$configuration D <- 3 par <- runif(D, min=-1, max=1) fn <- function(x) { weight <- instance return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x)) } # For reproducible results, we should use the random seed given by # experiment$seed to set the random seed of the target algorithm. res <- withr::with_seed(experiment$seed, stats::optim(par,fn, method="SANN", control=list(maxit=1000 , tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]]) , temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]]) ))) ## This list may also contain: ## - 'time' if irace is called with 'maxTime' ## - 'error' is a string used to report an error ## - 'outputRaw' is a string used to report the raw output of calls to ## an external program or function. ## - 'call' is a string used to report how target_runner called the ## external program or function. return(list(cost = res$value)) } ## We define a configuration scenario by setting targetRunner to the ## function define above, instances to the first 10 random weights, and ## a maximum budget of 'maxExperiments' calls to targetRunner. scenario <- list(targetRunner = target_runner, instances = weights[1:10], maxExperiments = 500, # Do not create a logFile logFile = "", parameters = parameters) ## We check that the scenario is valid. This will also try to execute ## target_runner. checkIraceScenario(scenario) ## We are now ready to launch irace. We do it by means of the irace ## function. The function will print information about its ## progress. This may require a few minutes, so it is not run by default. tuned_confs <- irace(scenario = scenario) ## We can print the best configurations found by irace as follows: configurations_print(tuned_confs) ## We can evaluate the quality of the best configuration found by ## irace versus the default configuration of the SANN algorithm on ## the other 10 instances previously generated. test_index <- 11:20 test_seeds <- sample.int(2147483647L, size = length(test_index), replace = TRUE) test <- function(configuration) { res <- lapply(seq_along(test_index), function(x) target_runner( experiment = list(instance = weights[test_index[x]], seed = test_seeds[x], configuration = configuration), scenario = scenario)) return (sapply(res, getElement, name = "cost")) } ## To do so, first we apply the default configuration of the SANN ## algorithm to these instances: default <- test(data.frame(tmax=10, temp=10)) ## We extract and apply the winning configuration found by irace ## to these instances: tuned <- test(removeConfigurationsMetaData(tuned_confs[1,])) ## Finally, we can compare using a boxplot the quality obtained with the ## default parametrization of SANN and the quality obtained with the ## best configuration found by irace. boxplot(list(default = default, tuned = tuned))
with command-line options.Calls irace_main()
using command-line options, maybe parsed from the
command line used to invoke R.
irace_cmdline(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)) irace.cmdline(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
irace_cmdline(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)) irace.cmdline(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
argv |
The function reads the parameters given on the command line
used to invoke R, finds the name of the scenario file,
initializes the scenario from the file (with the function
) and possibly from parameters passed in
the command line. It finally starts irace by calling
List of command-line options:
-h,--help Show this help. -v,--version Show irace package version. -c,--check Check scenario. -i,--init Initialize the working directory with template config files. --only-test Only test the configurations given in the file passed as argument. -s,--scenario File that describes the configuration scenario setup and other irace settings. Default: ./scenario.txt. --exec-dir Directory where the programs will be run. Default: ./. -p,--parameter-file File that contains the description of the parameters of the target algorithm. Default: ./parameters.txt. --configurations-file File that contains a table of initial configurations. If empty or `NULL`, all initial configurations are randomly generated. -l,--log-file File to save tuning results as an R dataset, either absolute path or relative to execDir. Default: ./irace.Rdata. --recovery-file Previously saved log file to recover the execution of `irace`, either absolute path or relative to the current directory. If empty or `NULL`, recovery is not performed. --train-instances-dir Directory where training instances are located; either absolute path or relative to current directory. If no `trainInstancesFiles` is provided, all the files in `trainInstancesDir` will be listed as instances. --train-instances-file File that contains a list of training instances and optionally additional parameters for them. If `trainInstancesDir` is provided, `irace` will search for the files in this folder. --sample-instances Randomly sample the training instances or use them in the order given. Default: 1. --test-instances-dir Directory where testing instances are located, either absolute or relative to current directory. --test-instances-file File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional parameters for them. --test-num-elites Number of elite configurations returned by irace that will be tested if test instances are provided. Default: 1. --test-iteration-elites Enable/disable testing the elite configurations found at each iteration. Default: 0. --test-type Statistical test used for elimination. The default value selects `t-test` if `capping` is enabled or `F-test`, otherwise. Valid values are: F-test (Friedman test), t-test (pairwise t-tests with no correction), t-test-bonferroni (t-test with Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons), t-test-holm (t-test with Holm's correction for multiple comparisons). --first-test Number of instances evaluated before the first elimination test. It must be a multiple of `eachTest`. Default: 5. --block-size Number of training instances, that make up a 'block' in `trainInstancesFile`. Elimination of configurations will only be performed after evaluating a complete block and never in the middle of a block. Each block typically contains one instance from each instance class (type or family) and the block size is the number of classes. The value of `blockSize` will multiply `firstTest`, `eachTest` and `elitistNewInstances`. Default: 1. --each-test Number of instances evaluated between elimination tests. Default: 1. --target-runner Executable called for each configuration that executes the target algorithm to be tuned. See the templates and examples provided. Default: ./target-runner. --target-runner-launcher Executable that will be used to launch the target runner, when `targetRunner` cannot be executed directly (e.g., a Python script in Windows). --target-cmdline Command-line arguments provided to `targetRunner` (or `targetRunnerLauncher` if defined). The substrings `\{configurationID\}`, `\{instanceID\}`, `\{seed\}`, `\{instance\}`, and `\{bound\}` will be replaced by their corresponding values. The substring `\{targetRunnerArgs\}` will be replaced by the concatenation of the switch and value of all active parameters of the particular configuration being evaluated. The substring `\{targetRunner\}`, if present, will be replaced by the value of `targetRunner` (useful when using `targetRunnerLauncher`). Default: {configurationID} {instanceID} {seed} {instance} {bound} {targetRunnerArgs}. --target-runner-retries Number of times to retry a call to `targetRunner` if the call failed. Default: 0. --target-runner-timeout Timeout in seconds of any `targetRunner` call (only applies to `target-runner` executables not to R functions), ignored if 0. Default: 0. --target-evaluator Optional script or R function that provides a numeric value for each configuration. See templates/target-evaluator.tmpl --deterministic If the target algorithm is deterministic, configurations will be evaluated only once per instance. Default: 0. --max-experiments Maximum number of runs (invocations of `targetRunner`) that will be performed. It determines the maximum budget of experiments for the tuning. Default: 0. --min-experiments Minimum number of runs (invocations of `targetRunner`) that will be performed. It determines the minimum budget of experiments for the tuning. The actual budget depends on the number of parameters and `minSurvival`. --max-time Maximum total execution time for the executions of `targetRunner`. `targetRunner` must return two values: cost and time. This value and the one returned by `targetRunner` must use the same units (seconds, minutes, iterations, evaluations, ...). Default: 0. --budget-estimation Fraction (smaller than 1) of the budget used to estimate the mean computation time of a configuration. Only used when `maxTime` > 0 Default: 0.05. --min-measurable-time Minimum time unit that is still (significantly) measureable. Default: 0.01. --parallel Number of calls to `targetRunner` to execute in parallel. Values `0` or `1` mean no parallelization. Default: 0. --load-balancing Enable/disable load-balancing when executing experiments in parallel. Load-balancing makes better use of computing resources, but increases communication overhead. If this overhead is large, disabling load-balancing may be faster. Default: 1. --mpi Enable/disable MPI. Use `Rmpi` to execute `targetRunner` in parallel (parameter `parallel` is the number of slaves). Default: 0. --batchmode Specify how irace waits for jobs to finish when `targetRunner` submits jobs to a batch cluster: sge, pbs, torque, slurm or htcondor. `targetRunner` must submit jobs to the cluster using, for example, `qsub`. Default: 0. -q,--quiet Reduce the output generated by irace to a minimum. Default: 0. --debug-level Debug level of the output of `irace`. Set this to 0 to silence all debug messages. Higher values (1, 2 or 3) provide more verbose debug messages. Default: 0. --seed Seed of the random number generator (by default, generate a random seed). --soft-restart Enable/disable the soft restart strategy that avoids premature convergence of the probabilistic model. Default: 1. --soft-restart-threshold Soft restart threshold value for numerical parameters. Default: 1e-04. -e,--elitist Enable/disable elitist irace. Default: 1. --elitist-new-instances Number of instances added to the execution list before previous instances in elitist irace. Default: 1. --elitist-limit In elitist irace, maximum number per race of elimination tests that do not eliminate a configuration. Use 0 for no limit. Default: 2. --capping Enable the use of adaptive capping, a technique designed for minimizing the computation time of configurations. Capping is enabled by default if `elitist` is active, `maxTime > 0` and `boundMax > 0`. --capping-after-first-test If set to 1, elimination due to capping only happens after `firstTest` instances are seen. Default: 0. --capping-type Measure used to obtain the execution bound from the performance of the elite configurations: median, mean, worst, best. Default: median. --bound-type Method to calculate the mean performance of elite configurations: candidate or instance. Default: candidate. --bound-max Maximum execution bound for `targetRunner`. It must be specified when capping is enabled. Default: 0. --bound-digits Precision used for calculating the execution time. It must be specified when capping is enabled. Default: 0. --bound-par Penalization constant for timed out executions (executions that reach `boundMax` execution time). Default: 1. --bound-as-timeout Replace the configuration cost of bounded executions with `boundMax`. Default: 1. --postselection Perform a postselection race after the execution of irace to consume all remaining budget. Value 0 disables the postselection race. Default: 1. --aclib Enable/disable AClib mode. This option enables compatibility with GenericWrapper4AC as targetRunner script. Default: 0. --iterations Maximum number of iterations. Default: 0. --experiments-per-iteration Number of runs of the target algorithm per iteration. Default: 0. --min-survival Minimum number of configurations needed to continue the execution of each race (iteration). Default: 0. --num-configurations Number of configurations to be sampled and evaluated at each iteration. Default: 0. --mu Parameter used to define the number of configurations sampled and evaluated at each iteration. Default: 5. --confidence Confidence level for the elimination test. Default: 0.95.
A data frame with the set of best algorithm configurations found by irace. The data frame has the following columns:
: Internal id of the candidate configuration.
Parameter names
: One column per parameter name in parameters
: Internal id of the parent candidate configuration.
Additionally, this function saves an R data file containing an object called
. The path of the file is indicated in scenario$logFile
The iraceResults
object is a list with the following structure:
The scenario R object containing the irace
options used for the execution. See defaultScenario
for more information. The element scenario$parameters
contains the parameters R object that describes the target algorithm parameters. See
The target algorithm configurations
generated by irace. This object is a data frame, each row is a
candidate configuration, the first column (.ID.
) indicates the
internal identifier of the configuration, the following columns
correspond to the parameter values, each column named as the parameter
name specified in the parameter object. The final column
) is the identifier of the configuration from which
model the actual configuration was sampled.
A list that contains one element per iteration,
each element contains the internal identifier of the elite candidate
configurations of the corresponding iteration (identifiers correspond to
A vector containing the best candidate configuration internal identifier of each iteration. The best configuration found corresponds to the last one of this vector.
A matrix with configurations as columns and
instances as rows. Column names correspond to the internal identifier of
the configuration (allConfigurations$.ID.
A data.table
with columns iteration
, configuration
, time
. This matrix contains the log of all the
experiments that irace performs during its execution. The
instance column refers to the index of the race_state$instances_log
data frame. Time is saved ONLY when reported by the targetRunner
A logical vector that indicates if a soft
restart was performed on each iteration. If FALSE
, then no soft
restart was performed.
An environment that contains the state of irace, the recovery is done using the information contained in this object.
A list that contains the testing results. The
elements of this list are: experiments
a matrix with the testing
experiments of the selected configurations in the same format as the
explained above and seeds
a vector with the seeds used to execute
each experiment.
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
to start irace with a given scenario.
A character string containing the license information of irace.
An object of class character
of length 1.
Higher-level interface to launch irace.
irace_main(scenario, output.width = 9999L)
irace_main(scenario, output.width = 9999L)
scenario |
output.width |
This function checks the correctness of the scenario, reads the
parameter space from scenario$parameterFile
, invokes irace()
prints its results in various formatted ways, (optionally) calls
and, finally, evaluates the best configurations on the test
instances (if provided). If you want a lower-level interface that just
runs irace, please see function irace()
A data frame with the set of best algorithm configurations found by irace. The data frame has the following columns:
: Internal id of the candidate configuration.
Parameter names
: One column per parameter name in parameters
: Internal id of the parent candidate configuration.
Additionally, this function saves an R data file containing an object called
. The path of the file is indicated in scenario$logFile
The iraceResults
object is a list with the following structure:
The scenario R object containing the irace
options used for the execution. See defaultScenario
for more information. The element scenario$parameters
contains the parameters R object that describes the target algorithm parameters. See
The target algorithm configurations
generated by irace. This object is a data frame, each row is a
candidate configuration, the first column (.ID.
) indicates the
internal identifier of the configuration, the following columns
correspond to the parameter values, each column named as the parameter
name specified in the parameter object. The final column
) is the identifier of the configuration from which
model the actual configuration was sampled.
A list that contains one element per iteration,
each element contains the internal identifier of the elite candidate
configurations of the corresponding iteration (identifiers correspond to
A vector containing the best candidate configuration internal identifier of each iteration. The best configuration found corresponds to the last one of this vector.
A matrix with configurations as columns and
instances as rows. Column names correspond to the internal identifier of
the configuration (allConfigurations$.ID.
A data.table
with columns iteration
, configuration
, time
. This matrix contains the log of all the
experiments that irace performs during its execution. The
instance column refers to the index of the race_state$instances_log
data frame. Time is saved ONLY when reported by the targetRunner
A logical vector that indicates if a soft
restart was performed on each iteration. If FALSE
, then no soft
restart was performed.
An environment that contains the state of irace, the recovery is done using the information contained in this object.
A list that contains the testing results. The
elements of this list are: experiments
a matrix with the testing
experiments of the selected configurations in the same format as the
explained above and seeds
a vector with the seeds used to execute
each experiment.
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
a command-line interface to irace()
for reading a configuration scenario from a file.
read the target algorithm parameters from a file.
returns the default scenario settings of irace.
Summarise the results of a run of irace
iraceResults |
Manuel López-Ibáñez
irace_results <- read_logfile(system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE)) irace_summarise(irace_results)
irace_results <- read_logfile(system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE)) irace_summarise(irace_results)
including git SHA.A character string containing the version of irace
including git SHA.
An object of class character
of length 1.
multiple times with the same or different scenarios and parameter space definitions.There are three modes of operation:
One scenarios
and k
: k
runs with the same scenario and each parameter space definition.
One parameters
and k
: k
runs with the same parameter space definition and each scenario.
and k
scenarios: k
runs with each scenario and parameter space definition.
Each of the k
runs can be repeated n
times by supplying a value for n
multi_irace( scenarios, parameters, n = 1L, parallel = 1L, split_output = parallel > 1L, global_seed = NULL )
multi_irace( scenarios, parameters, n = 1L, parallel = 1L, split_output = parallel > 1L, global_seed = NULL )
scenarios |
parameters |
n |
parallel |
split_output |
global_seed |
A list of the outputs of irace()
the main interface for single irace runs.
creates a categorical parameter.
creates an ordinal parameter.
creates a real-valued parameter.
creates an integer parameter.
parametersNew(..., forbidden = NULL, debugLevel = 0L) param_cat(name = name, values, label = "", condition = TRUE) param_ord(name, values, label = "", condition = TRUE) param_real( name, lower, upper, label = "", condition = TRUE, transf = "", digits = 15L ) param_int(name, lower, upper, label = "", condition = TRUE, transf = "")
parametersNew(..., forbidden = NULL, debugLevel = 0L) param_cat(name = name, values, label = "", condition = TRUE) param_ord(name, values, label = "", condition = TRUE) param_real( name, lower, upper, label = "", condition = TRUE, transf = "", digits = 15L ) param_int(name, lower, upper, label = "", condition = TRUE, transf = "")
... |
one or more parameters created by |
forbidden |
debugLevel |
name |
values |
label |
condition |
lower , upper
Lower and upper limits of the valid domain. |
transf |
digits |
digits <- 4L parametersNew( param_cat(name = "algorithm", values = c("as", "mmas", "eas", "ras", "acs"), label = "--"), param_ord(name = "localsearch", values = c("0", "1", "2", "3"), label = "--localsearch "), param_real(name = "alpha", lower = 0.0, upper=5.0, label = "--alpha ", digits = digits), param_real(name = "beta", lower = 0.0, upper = 10.0, label = "--beta ", digits = digits), param_real(name = "rho", lower = 0.01, upper = 1.00, label = "--rho ", digits = digits), param_int(name = "ants", lower = 5, upper = 100, transf = "log", label = "--ants "), param_real(name = "q0", label = "--q0 ", lower=0.0, upper=1.0, condition = expression(algorithm == "acs")), param_int(name = "rasrank", label = "--rasranks ", lower=1, upper=quote(min(ants, 10)), condition = 'algorithm == "ras"'), param_int(name = "elitistants", label = "--elitistants ", lower=1, upper=expression(ants), condition = 'algorithm == "eas"'), param_int(name = "nnls", label = "--nnls ", lower = 5, upper = 50, condition = expression(localsearch %in% c(1,2,3))), param_cat(name = "dlb", label = "--dlb ", values = c(0,1), condition = "localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)"), forbidden = "(alpha == 0) & (beta == 0)")
digits <- 4L parametersNew( param_cat(name = "algorithm", values = c("as", "mmas", "eas", "ras", "acs"), label = "--"), param_ord(name = "localsearch", values = c("0", "1", "2", "3"), label = "--localsearch "), param_real(name = "alpha", lower = 0.0, upper=5.0, label = "--alpha ", digits = digits), param_real(name = "beta", lower = 0.0, upper = 10.0, label = "--beta ", digits = digits), param_real(name = "rho", lower = 0.01, upper = 1.00, label = "--rho ", digits = digits), param_int(name = "ants", lower = 5, upper = 100, transf = "log", label = "--ants "), param_real(name = "q0", label = "--q0 ", lower=0.0, upper=1.0, condition = expression(algorithm == "acs")), param_int(name = "rasrank", label = "--rasranks ", lower=1, upper=quote(min(ants, 10)), condition = 'algorithm == "ras"'), param_int(name = "elitistants", label = "--elitistants ", lower=1, upper=expression(ants), condition = 'algorithm == "eas"'), param_int(name = "nnls", label = "--nnls ", lower = 5, upper = 50, condition = expression(localsearch %in% c(1,2,3))), param_cat(name = "dlb", label = "--dlb ", values = c(0,1), condition = "localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)"), forbidden = "(alpha == 0) & (beta == 0)")
If the path passed corresponds to an executable, it tries to find its path
using Sys.which()
. Expansion of '~'
in Windows follows the definition
of fs::path_expand()
rather than base::path.expand()
. This function
tries really hard to create canonical paths.
path_rel2abs(path, cwd = getwd())
path_rel2abs(path, cwd = getwd())
path |
( |
cwd |
( |
) Character string representing the absolute path
Create plot from an ablation log
plotAblation( ablog, pdf_file = NULL, width = 20, height = 7, type = c("mean", "boxplot", "rank"), n = 0L, mar = NULL, ylab = "Mean configuration cost", ylim = NULL, rename_labels = NULL, ... )
plotAblation( ablog, pdf_file = NULL, width = 20, height = 7, type = c("mean", "boxplot", "rank"), n = 0L, mar = NULL, ylab = "Mean configuration cost", ylim = NULL, rename_labels = NULL, ... )
ablog |
( |
pdf_file |
Output filename. |
width |
Width provided to create the PDF file. |
height |
Height provided to create the PDF file. |
type |
Type of plot. Supported values are |
n |
mar |
Vector with the margins for the ablation plot. |
ylab |
Label of y-axis. |
ylim |
Numeric vector of length 2 giving the y-axis range. |
rename_labels |
... |
Further graphical parameters may also be supplied as
arguments. See |
Leslie Pérez Cáceres and Manuel López-Ibáñez
logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "log-ablation.Rdata") plotAblation(ablog = logfile) plotAblation(ablog = logfile, type = "mean") plotAblation(ablog = logfile, type = c("rank","boxplot"), rename_labels = c( "localsearch"="ls", algorithm="algo", source="default"))
logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "log-ablation.Rdata") plotAblation(ablog = logfile) plotAblation(ablog = logfile, type = "mean") plotAblation(ablog = logfile, type = c("rank","boxplot"), rename_labels = c( "localsearch"="ls", algorithm="algo", source="default"))
Print parameter space in the textual format accepted by irace.
parameters |
parameters_table <- ' # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)] algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs) localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3) alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00) beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00) rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00) ants "--ants " i,log (5, 100) q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs" q0dep "--q0 " r (0.0, q0) | algorithm != "acs" rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, "min(ants, 10)") | algorithm == "ras" elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, ants) | algorithm == "eas" nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3) dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3) [forbidden] (alpha == 0.0) & (beta == 0.0) ' parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters_table) printParameters(parameters)
parameters_table <- ' # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)] algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs) localsearch "--localsearch " c (0, 1, 2, 3) alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00) beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00) rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00) ants "--ants " i,log (5, 100) q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs" q0dep "--q0 " r (0.0, q0) | algorithm != "acs" rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, "min(ants, 10)") | algorithm == "ras" elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, ants) | algorithm == "eas" nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3) dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3) [forbidden] (alpha == 0.0) & (beta == 0.0) ' parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters_table) printParameters(parameters)
Prints the given scenario
scenario |
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
for reading a configuration scenario from a file.
prints the given scenario.
returns the default scenario settings of irace.
to check that the scenario is valid.
performs a post-selection race of a set of configurations.
psRace( iraceResults, max_experiments, conf_ids = NULL, iteration_elites = FALSE, psrace_logFile = NULL )
psRace( iraceResults, max_experiments, conf_ids = NULL, iteration_elites = FALSE, psrace_logFile = NULL )
iraceResults |
max_experiments |
conf_ids |
IDs of the configurations in |
iteration_elites |
If |
psrace_logFile |
The elite configurations after the post-selection. In addition, if iraceResults$scenario$logFile
is defined,
it saves an updated copy of iraceResults
in that file, where iraceResults$psrace_log
is a list with the following elements:
Configurations used in the post-selection race.
Data frame with the instances used in the post-selection race. First column has the
instances IDs from iraceResults$scenario$instances
, second column the seed assigned to the instance.
Configuration budget assigned to the post-selection race.
Matrix of results generated by the post-selection race, in the same format as the matrix iraceResults$experiments
. Column names are the configuration IDs and row names are the instance IDs.
Best configurations found in the experiments.
Leslie Pérez Cáceres and Manuel López-Ibáñez
irace_log <- read_logfile(system.file(package="irace", "exdata", "sann.rda")) # Use a temporary file to not change the original "sann.rda". psrace_logFile <- withr::local_tempfile(fileext = ".Rdata") # Execute the post-selection after the execution of irace. Use 10% of the total budget. psRace(irace_log, max_experiments=0.1, psrace_logFile = psrace_logFile) # Print psrace_log irace_log <- read_logfile(psrace_logFile) str(irace_log$psrace_log)
irace_log <- read_logfile(system.file(package="irace", "exdata", "sann.rda")) # Use a temporary file to not change the original "sann.rda". psrace_logFile <- withr::local_tempfile(fileext = ".Rdata") # Execute the post-selection after the execution of irace. Use 10% of the total budget. psRace(irace_log, max_experiments=0.1, psrace_logFile = psrace_logFile) # Print psrace_log irace_log <- read_logfile(psrace_logFile) str(irace_log$psrace_log)
Get, set and restore the state of the random number generator state.
get_random_seed() set_random_seed(seed) restore_random_seed(seed)
get_random_seed() set_random_seed(seed) restore_random_seed(seed)
seed |
( |
These functions originate from the withr
returns a list with two components random_seed
and rng_kind
or NULL if no seed was set; set_random_seed()
and restore_random_seed()
do not return anything.
old_seed <- get_random_seed() on.exit(restore_random_seed(old_seed)) set_random_seed(42) value1 <- runif(1) set_random_seed(42) value2 <- runif(1) stopifnot(all.equal(value1,value2))
old_seed <- get_random_seed() on.exit(restore_random_seed(old_seed)) set_random_seed(42) value1 <- runif(1) set_random_seed(42) value2 <- runif(1) stopifnot(all.equal(value1,value2))
) produced by ablation()
.Read the log file (log-ablation.Rdata
) produced by ablation()
filename |
).Read the log file produced by irace (irace.Rdata
read_logfile(filename, name = "iraceResults")
read_logfile(filename, name = "iraceResults")
filename |
Filename that contains the log file saved by irace. Example: |
name |
Optional argument that allows overriding the default name of the object in the file. |
irace_results <- read_logfile(system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE)) str(irace_results)
irace_results <- read_logfile(system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE)) str(irace_results)
Read parameters in PCS (AClib) format and write them in irace format.
read_pcs_file(file, digits = 4L, debugLevel = 0L, text)
read_pcs_file(file, digits = 4L, debugLevel = 0L, text)
file |
digits |
debugLevel |
text |
Either file
or text
must be given. If file
is given, the
parameters are read from the file file
. If text
is given instead,
the parameters are read directly from the text
character string.
In both cases, the parameters must be given (in text
or in the file
whose name is file
) in the expected form. See the documentation
for details. If none of these parameters is given, irace
will stop with an error.
FIXME: Multiple conditions and default configuration are currently ignored. See https://github.com/MLopez-Ibanez/irace/issues/31
A string representing the parameters in irace format.
Manuel López-Ibáñez
Frank Hutter, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Chris Fawcett, Marius Thomas Lindauer, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown, and Thomas Stützle. AClib: A Benchmark Library for Algorithm Configuration. In P. M. Pardalos, M. G. C. Resende, C. Vogiatzis, and J. L. Walteros, editors, Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 8th International Conference, LION 8, volume 8426 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 36–40. Springer, Heidelberg, 2014.
## Read the parameters directly from text pcs_table <- ' # name domain algorithm {as,mmas,eas,ras,acs}[as] localsearch {0, 1, 2, 3}[0] alpha [0.00, 5.00][1] beta [0.00, 10.00][1] rho [0.01, 1.00][0.95] ants [1, 100][10]il q0 [0.0, 1.0][0] rasrank [1, 100][1]i elitistants [1, 750][1]i nnls [5, 50][5]i dlb {0, 1}[1] Conditionals: q0 | algorithm in {acs} rasrank | algorithm in {ras} elitistants | algorithm in {eas} nnls | localsearch in {1,2,3} dlb | localsearch in {1,2,3} {alpha=0, beta=0}' parameters_table <- read_pcs_file(text=pcs_table) cat(parameters_table) parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters_table) str(parameters)
## Read the parameters directly from text pcs_table <- ' # name domain algorithm {as,mmas,eas,ras,acs}[as] localsearch {0, 1, 2, 3}[0] alpha [0.00, 5.00][1] beta [0.00, 10.00][1] rho [0.01, 1.00][0.95] ants [1, 100][10]il q0 [0.0, 1.0][0] rasrank [1, 100][1]i elitistants [1, 750][1]i nnls [5, 50][5]i dlb {0, 1}[1] Conditionals: q0 | algorithm in {acs} rasrank | algorithm in {ras} elitistants | algorithm in {eas} nnls | localsearch in {1,2,3} dlb | localsearch in {1,2,3} {alpha=0, beta=0}' parameters_table <- read_pcs_file(text=pcs_table) cat(parameters_table) parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters_table) str(parameters)
Reads a set of target-algorithm configurations from a file and puts them in irace format. The configurations are checked to match the parameters description provided.
readConfigurationsFile(filename, parameters, debugLevel = 0L, text)
readConfigurationsFile(filename, parameters, debugLevel = 0L, text)
filename |
parameters |
debugLevel |
text |
Example of an input file:
# This is a comment line param_1 param_2 0.5 "value_1" 1.0 NA 1.2 "value_3"
The order of the columns does not necessarily have to be the same as in the file containing the definition of the parameters.
A data frame containing the obtained configurations.
Each row of the data frame is a candidate configuration,
the columns correspond to the parameter names in parameters
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
to obtain a valid parameter structure from a parameters file.
Reads the parameters to be tuned by irace from a file or from a character string.
readParameters(file, digits = 4L, debugLevel = 0L, text)
readParameters(file, digits = 4L, debugLevel = 0L, text)
file |
digits |
debugLevel |
text |
Either file
or text
must be given. If file
is given, the
parameters are read from the file file
. If text
is given instead,
the parameters are read directly from the text
character string.
In both cases, the parameters must be given (in text
or in the file
whose name is file
) in the expected form. See the documentation
for details. If none of these parameters is given, irace
will stop with an error.
A fixed parameter is a parameter that should not be sampled but
instead should be always set to the only value of its domain. In this
function we set isFixed
to TRUE only if the parameter is a categorical
and has only one possible value. If it is an integer and the minimum
and maximum are equal, or it is a real and the minimum and maximum
values satisfy round(minimum, digits) == round(maximum, digits)
then the parameter description is rejected as invalid to identify
potential user errors.
The order of the parameters determines the order in which parameters are
given to targetRunner
. Changing the order may also change the results
produced by irace
, even with the same random seed.
A list containing the definitions of the parameters read. The list is structured as follows:
Vector that contains the names of the parameters.
Vector that contains the type of each parameter 'i', 'c', 'r', 'o'. Numerical parameters can be sampled in a log-scale with 'i,log' and 'r,log' (no spaces).
Vector that contains the switches to be used for the parameters on the command line.
List of vectors, where each vector may contain two values (minimum, maximum) for real and integer parameters, or possibly more for categorical parameters.
List of R logical expressions, with variables corresponding to parameter names.
Logical vector that specifies which parameter is fixed and, thus, it does not need to be tuned.
An integer, the total number of parameters.
An integer, the number of parameters with a fixed value.
Number of variable (to be tuned) parameters.
List of character vectors, each vector specifies which parameters depend on this one.
Logical vector that specifies which parameter has a dependent domain.
Integer vector that specifies the number of digits per parameter.
List of expressions that define which parameter configurations are forbidden.
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
## Read the parameters directly from text parameters_table <- ' # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)] algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs) localsearch "--localsearch " o (0, 1, 2, 3) alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00) beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00) rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00) ants "--ants " i,log (5, 100) q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs" rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, "min(ants, 10)") | algorithm == "ras" elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, ants) | algorithm == "eas" nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3) dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3) [forbidden] (alpha == 0.0) & (beta == 0.0) [global] digits = 4 ' parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters_table) str(parameters)
## Read the parameters directly from text parameters_table <- ' # name switch type values [conditions (using R syntax)] algorithm "--" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs) localsearch "--localsearch " o (0, 1, 2, 3) alpha "--alpha " r (0.00, 5.00) beta "--beta " r (0.00, 10.00) rho "--rho " r (0.01, 1.00) ants "--ants " i,log (5, 100) q0 "--q0 " r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs" rasrank "--rasranks " i (1, "min(ants, 10)") | algorithm == "ras" elitistants "--elitistants " i (1, ants) | algorithm == "eas" nnls "--nnls " i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3) dlb "--dlb " c (0, 1) | localsearch %in% c(1,2,3) [forbidden] (alpha == 0.0) & (beta == 0.0) [global] digits = 4 ' parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters_table) str(parameters)
The scenario argument is an initial scenario that is overwritten for every setting specified in the file to be read.
readScenario(filename = "", scenario = list(), params_def = .irace.params.def)
readScenario(filename = "", scenario = list(), params_def = .irace.params.def)
filename |
scenario |
params_def |
The scenario list read from the file. The scenario settings not
present in the file are not present in the list, i.e., they are NULL
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
prints the given scenario.
returns the default scenario settings of irace.
to check that the scenario is valid.
Remove the columns with "metadata" of a data frame containing configurations. Currently, metadata corresponds to column names starting with a period. This function should be used before printing the configurations to output only the values for the parameters of the configuration without metadata possibly useless to the user.
configurations |
The same data frame without "metadata".
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
to print the configurations as command lines.
to print the configurations as a data frame.
).This function may be useful if you are manually editing the log data generated by a run of irace.
save_irace_logfile(iraceResults, logfile)
save_irace_logfile(iraceResults, logfile)
iraceResults |
logfile |
This function should be used to change the filesystem paths stored in a scenario object. Useful when moving a scenario from one computer to another.
scenario_update_paths(scenario, from, to, fixed = TRUE)
scenario_update_paths(scenario, from, to, fixed = TRUE)
scenario |
from |
to |
fixed |
The updated scenario
## Not run: scenario <- readScenario(filename = "scenario.txt") scenario <- scenario_update_paths(scenario, from = "/home/manuel/", to = "/home/leslie") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: scenario <- readScenario(filename = "scenario.txt") scenario <- scenario_update_paths(scenario, from = "/home/manuel/", to = "/home/leslie") ## End(Not run)
is the default targetEvaluator
function that is
invoked if targetEvaluator
is a string (by default
and this function is not invoked). You can use it as
an advanced example of how to create your own targetEvaluator
target_evaluator_default( experiment, num_configurations, all_conf_id, scenario, target_runner_call )
target_evaluator_default( experiment, num_configurations, all_conf_id, scenario, target_runner_call )
experiment |
A list describing the experiment. It contains at least:
num_configurations |
Number of configurations alive in the race. |
all_conf_id |
Vector of configuration IDs of the alive configurations. |
scenario |
target_runner_call |
String describing the call to |
The function targetEvaluator
must return a list with one element
, the numerical value corresponding to the cost measure of the
given configuration on the given instance.
The return list may also contain the following optional elements that are used
by irace for reporting errors in targetEvaluator
is a string used to report an error;
is a string used to report the raw output of calls to an external program or function;
is a string used to report how targetRunner
an external program or function.
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
function.Use it as an advanced example of how to create your own targetRunner
target_runner_default(experiment, scenario)
target_runner_default(experiment, scenario)
experiment |
A list describing the experiment. It contains at least:
scenario |
If targetEvaluator
, then the targetRunner
function must return a list with at least one element "cost"
the numerical value corresponding to the evaluation of the given
configuration on the given instance.
If the scenario option maxTime
is non-zero or if capping
is enabled
then the list must contain at least another element "time"
that reports the
execution time for this call to targetRunner
The return list may also contain the following optional elements that are used
by irace for reporting errors in targetRunner
is a string used to report an error;
is a string used to report the raw output of calls to an external program or function;
is a string used to report how targetRunner
an external program or function.
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
Execute the given configurations on the testing instances specified in the scenario
testConfigurations(configurations, scenario)
testConfigurations(configurations, scenario)
configurations |
scenario |
A test instance set must be provided through scenario[["testInstances"]]
A list with the following elements:
Experiments results.
Array of the instance seeds used in the experiments.
Manuel López-Ibáñez
Executes the testing of an explicit list of configurations given in
(same format as in readConfigurationsFile()
). A logFile
created unless disabled in scenario
. This may overwrite an existing one!
testing_fromfile(filename, scenario)
testing_fromfile(filename, scenario)
filename |
scenario |
Manuel López-Ibáñez
provides a different interface for testing.
) produced by irace.testing_fromlog
executes the testing of the target algorithm configurations
found by an irace execution.
testing_fromlog( logFile, testNbElites, testIterationElites, testInstancesDir, testInstancesFile, testInstances )
testing_fromlog( logFile, testNbElites, testIterationElites, testInstancesDir, testInstancesFile, testInstances )
logFile |
testNbElites |
Number of (final) elite configurations to test. Overrides
the value found in |
testIterationElites |
testInstancesDir |
Directory where testing instances are located, either absolute or relative to current directory. |
testInstancesFile |
File containing a list of test instances and optionally additional parameters for them. |
testInstances |
Character vector of the instances to be used in the |
The function testing_fromlog
loads the logFile
and obtains the
testing setup and configurations to be tested. Within the logFile
, the
variable scenario$testNbElites
specifies how many final elite
configurations to test and scenario$testIterationElites
whether test the best configuration of each iteration. The values may be
overridden by setting the corresponding arguments in this function. The
set of testing instances must appear in scenario[["testInstances"]]
if the testing ended successfully otherwise, FALSE
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres
to provide a default scenario for irace.
provides a different interface for testing.