Package: irace

irace: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration

Iterated race is an extension of the Iterated F-race method for the automatic configuration of optimization algorithms, that is, (offline) tuning their parameters by finding the most appropriate settings given a set of instances of an optimization problem. M. López-Ibáñez, J. Dubois-Lacoste, L. Pérez Cáceres, T. Stützle, and M. Birattari (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.orp.2016.09.002>.

Authors:Manuel López-Ibáñez [aut, cre], Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste [aut], Leslie Pérez Cáceres [aut], Thomas Stützle [aut], Mauro Birattari [aut], Eric Yuan [ctb], Prasanna Balaprakash [ctb], Nguyen Dang [ctb]

irace.pdf |irace.html
irace/json (API)

# Install 'irace' in R:
install.packages('irace', repos = c('', ''))

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10.28 score 63 stars 1 packages 103 scripts 2.0k downloads 4 mentions 49 exports 8 dependencies

Last updated 23 days agofrom:46f38116d0. Checks:7 OK, 4 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 17 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64OKFeb 17 2025
R-4.5-mac-x86_64OKFeb 17 2025
R-4.5-mac-aarch64OKFeb 17 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKFeb 17 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKFeb 17 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 17 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 17 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKFeb 17 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 17 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 17 2025



irace package: User Guide

Rendered fromirace-package.Rnwusingknitr::knitron Feb 17 2025.

Last update: 2025-02-12
Started: 2016-06-01

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
The irace package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configurationirace-package
Performs ablation between two configurations (from source to target).ablation
Launch ablation with command-line options.ablation_cmdline
Generate a command-line representation of a configurationbuildCommandLine
Check the output of the target runner and repair it if possible. If the output is incorrect, this function will throw an error.check_output_target_runner
Test that the given irace scenario can be run.checkIraceScenario
Check and correct the given scenariocheckScenario
Print configurations as a data frameconfigurations_print
Print configurations as command-line strings.configurations_print_command
Default scenario settingsdefaultScenario
Returns the pairs of instance IDs and seeds used as instances in the race (and optionally the actual instances).get_instanceID_seed_pairs
Returns the configurations selected by ID.getConfigurationById
Returns the configurations by the iteration in which they were executed.getConfigurationByIteration
Return the elite configurations of the final iteration.getFinalElites
Check if the results object generated by irace has data about the testing phase.has_testing_data
Execute one run of the Iterated Racing algorithm.irace
Launch 'irace' with command-line options.irace.cmdline irace_cmdline
Higher-level interface to launch irace.irace_main
Summarise the results of a run of iraceirace_summarise
A character string containing the version of 'irace' including git SHA.irace_version
Execute 'irace()' multiple times with the same or different scenarios and parameter space definitions.multi_irace
Create a parameter space to be tuned.parameters parametersNew param_cat param_int param_ord param_real
Converts a relative path to an absolute path.path_rel2abs
Create plot from an ablation logplotAblation
Print parameter space in the textual format accepted by irace.printParameters
Prints the given scenarioprintScenario
Post-selection racepsRace
Get, set and restore the state of the random number generator state.get_random_seed random_seed restore_random_seed set_random_seed
Read the log file ('log-ablation.Rdata') produced by 'ablation()'.read_ablogfile
Read the log file produced by irace ('irace.Rdata').read_logfile
Read parameters in PCS (AClib) format and write them in irace format.read_pcs_file
Read parameter configurations from a filereadConfigurationsFile
Reads the parameters to be tuned by 'irace' from a file or from a character string.readParameters
Reads from a file the scenario settings to be used by 'irace'.readScenario
Save the log generated by 'irace' to a file (by default 'irace.Rdata').save_irace_logfile
Update filesystem paths of a scenario consistently.scenario_update_paths
Default 'targetRunner' function.target_runner_default
Execute the given configurations on the testing instances specified in the scenariotestConfigurations
Test configurations given an explicit table of configurations and a scenario filetesting_fromfile
Test configurations given in the logfile (typically 'irace.Rdata') produced by 'irace'.testing_fromlog